Climate balance of the Filmkunstmesse Leipzig shows its carbon footprint: 68,462.19 kg

For the first time, the Filmkunstmesse Leipzig commissioned KlimAktiv gGmbH to prepare a climate balance sheet to determine the carbon footprint: Basis of the calculation for the 5-day event at which 81 films were presented in 170 screenings and 7 panels and 7 seminars with 42 panelists and speakers were organized for almost 1,100 trade visitors. Some key values thus resulted from 4,977 m² of cinema, 2,031 m² of event

Insights into the new FFG at the 23rd Filmkunstmesse Leipzig

Once again this year, the Filmkunstmesse Leipzig was not only a select showcase for new arthouse productions, but presented everything from film industry trends to the latest cultural policy decisions. Special insights were offered by the discussion around the key points of the upcoming amendment of the FFG. The recording is available here in German under the name Politisches Panel: Reform der kulturellen Filmförderung – Wie weit fliegt der „Große

Facts – Figures – Data of the Arthouse Cinema in Germany

Cinema development in the first half of 2023 and new results on cinema reach in the total population aged 0 and over, presented by Norina Lin-Hi (Head of Market Research and Statistics FFA).Current market developments from Comscore / Effects of the Barbenheimer phenomenon / International observations and outlook, presented by Bernd Zickert (Managing Director) and Johanna Herfter (Comscore)recording in German

State Secretary for Culture Arne Braun is lobbying the federal government on behalf of film festivals

In a letter to the federal government, the Baden-Württemberg State Secretary points out the importance of film festivals and emphasizes „Film festivals do valuable work. Even outside the metropolises, they are important actors for the presentation of artistically sophisticated films and the mediation of international film culture and film education. Reliable funding for film festivals, as announced in the coalition agreement of the federal government, would thus also be a

Explorer Konferenz #4 on Oct 6 in Hamburg, impulse Sept 5 online

The one-day programme is dedicated to key aspects and the future of producing for cinema, streaming and TV and presents strategies and pioneering approaches in the 12 thematic areas like Opportunities In Using AI In The Creative Process, The Impact Of Diversity, From Podcast to Screen. Further information here.An impression can be gained from the online impulse speech by Thomas Kornmaier on AI Story Prompting – From idea to concept

Launch of the 10th Nostradamus Report „Everything changes at once“

Presented by media analyst and author Johanna Koljonen at the Marché du Film in Cannes, the Nostradamus Report 2023 once again presents the key developments of the film and TV sector as part of the screen industry and provides an outlook on the key trends that, like the new AI-assisted production technologies, accompany and fuel the ongoing disruptive change. Against a backdrop of market consolidation, inflation and recession, the report

Federal Film Funding in Germany still lacking Film Festivals

The german working group AG FilmFestival demands that the film festival sector be taken into account in the current amendment of the FilmFörderGesetz FFG: Still in the coalition agreement of the „Ampel“ government it was stated „…we reliably fund film festivals…“. In the eight-point program presented by Claudia Roth, Commissioner for Culture and Media of the Federal Republic of Germany, there is not a single mention of film festivals. The

Development of the international cinema industry underlines the importance of the film festival sector for European film

Also this year, the European Audiovisual Observatory presented the World film market trends within the occasion of the Cannes Marché du Film. Although the gradual recovery of the European cinema market could be demonstrated with statistical support, another development became obvious at the same time: „while theatrical exploitation was already difficult for European films, it became even more difficult“. A trend that can be seen today not only with regard

Conference Perspective Cinema! Concepts for a sustainable practice 04. – 05. May in Munich

This conference takes a look at the structural crisis of cinema and presents alternative ways to rethink the conditions as well as the environment of cinema together with practitioners from all relevant fields.Among them are filmmakers, representatives of distribution, the cinema sector, VoD providers, film festivals, film funders and city councils, but also stakeholders such as Queer Scope, AG DOK and municipal cinema (BfK, Bundesverband kommunale Filmarbeit). After keynote speeches

Film Festivals – Enablers and Gatekeepers even for the National Film Canon

Recently, the leading duo of Diagonale, the Festival of Austrian Film, Peter Schernhuber and Sebastian Höglinger, parted ways just after eight years, thus also demonstrating a new self-image as festival directors. In an interview with, they talk about the changing role of film festivals, the upheavals in media behavior, especially among the younger generation, and how festivals can support cinema in its crisis.