Dear visitors

This website predominantly reflects current research results pertaining to the German film festival landscape. Growing international interest has prompted us to also offer the contents successively in English. We appreciate your understanding, should you encounter any content that is still only in German.
Many thanks for your interest, The Team

28th Sept. Panel discussion: Formal/informal networks between film festivals

Formal/informal networks between film festivals – strategies in disruptive media markets Friday, 28th September 2018, 2:00 – 3:30pm at the annual Meeting of the Society for Media Studies University of Siegen With the advent of digitization into the media industry, a development has begun marked by“(t)urmoil and transformation, forcing industry leaders to reconsider established maxims about how screen media are created, circulated, and consumed“ (Crutin et al., 2014). A „rise

25th Sept. Panel discussion: Film Festivals as Places of Cultural Education

DI, 25th Sept. 6:00 p.m. Foyer of the German Film Museum. Cinema for young audiences between film art, digital self-awareness and an eye for the „other“, or: why media education needs stories. Representatives of the film and festival industry will discuss current positions on film festivals as places of cultural and aesthetic education. Nicola Jones (Deutsches Kinder Medien Festival Goldener Spatz), Thomas Schneider-Trumpp (Scopas Medien | Trickfilmland), Reinhold T. Schöffel

European Union requires streaming services to offer at least 30% local productions

According to the industry magazine Variety, Roberto Viola, head of the European Commission’s communications networks, content and technologies department, announced at the Venice Film Festival that a law would be passed in December obliging streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon & Co to invest heavily in the European production landscape. This could be done either by producing, commissioning and thus funding, acquiring television series and films in Europe, or alternatively

Focus: Film Festival #2

The second issue of the new trade magazine Fokus: Festival features an overview of the artistic position of the Locarno Festival and thus of Carlo Chatrian, the future artistic director of the Berlinale, and also provides comprehensive insight into the strategic development of the Swiss A-Festival over the past 20 years. Torsten Neumann offers an extensive look behind the scenes on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Oldenburg

Filmfestivals und Programmkinos – Partner oder Konkurrenten?

Panel auf dem Filmfest München Termin: Montag, 2. Juli, 13-15 Uhr Ort: Gasteig, Carl-Amery-Saal Er ist mittlerweile fast schon ein eigenes Genre – der Festivalfilm. Jenseits der gängigen Auswertungsplattformen Kino, TV, DVD und VOD findet er Publikum und Publicity (fast) nur noch auf Filmfestivals. Doch was macht deren besondere Attraktivität aus? Wie definieren sich Filmfestivals ? Und wie positionieren sich Programmkinos im Vergleich dazu? Ziehen beide am selben Strang? Oder

„Do we need competition(s)?“

Panel auf dem Internationalen KurzFilmFestival Hamburg Freitag, 8. Juni 2018, 15.00-17.00 Uhr Festivalzentrum, Lampenlager, Kaltenkircher Platz Auf dem Panel „Do we need competition(s)?“ wird die Bedeutung von Wettbewerben auf Festivals diskutiert. In einem Wettbewerb zu gewinnen, ist für einen Film ein künstlerischer und in mancher Hinsicht auch ökonomischer Glücksfall. Dennoch stellt sich die Frage, ob sich die Qualität von Filmen anhand von Preisen ermitteln lässt. Im Anschluss laden wir Sie

Collaboration among film festivals – the new key to success, 4th May 2018, Int. Short Film Festival Oberhausen

Since the organization of the first film festival as part of the Venice Biennale for Contemporary Art, Europe has given rise to a network of approx. 10,000 worldwide film festivals. Irrespective of its diversity from small regional special interest event to international A-film festival, this festival circuit proves surprisingly innovative and flexible in responding to current cultural-political challenges, as well as to the disruptive changes in the global media landscape.

Focus: Film Festival – a new trade magazine

With its May 2018 issue, the German film trade magazine Blickpunkt:Film is launching a Quarterly, focusing on Film Festivals and thus following the growing importance of film festivals on the international film market. The special issue highlights the German film festival landscape, as well key international players. Background reports on strategic festival placements of current productions, on opportunities and hurdles for film makers in the associated markets and other industry

Congress The Future of German Film 5th-7th April 2018 in Frankfurt

Kongress zu Perspektiven der deutschen Film- und Kinokultur  Um die Zukunft des deutschen Films geht es in einem Kongress, der im Rahmen des LICHTER Filmfests vom 5.-7. April 2018 im Frankfurter Zoo-Gesellschaftshaus stattfindet… zum Programm Status Quo deutscher Film – Eine Bestandsaufnahme Panel mit Linda Söffker, Svenja Böttger, Daniel Sponsel und Thorsten Schaumann Moderation: Urs Spörri Donnerstag, 05. April 2018 // 14 –15:30 Uhr // Zoo-Gesellschaftshaus, Kleiner Saal Niemand schaut so viele deutsche

Gendersalon Munich: Gender Controversy, 25th April 2018

Auch in seiner 9. Auflage widmet sich der Gender Salon weiter den Schnittstellen von Kunst, (Pop)Kultur, Politik und Wissenschaft rund um das Thema Gender. Steigen Sie ein, kommen Sie vom Kurs ab, nehmen Sie Umwege! 28. März 2018 Welche Filme bekommen wir auf Filmfestivals zu sehen, und wessen Werke finden dort ein Publikum? Zur Diversität in der Filmbranche forschen Tanja Krainhöfer und Thomas Wiedemann. Sie stellen uns ihre Studien vor